What is Seeding in P2P Systems?


P2P systems allow the transferring of files. This means uploading and downloading them. The term ‘seeding’ refers to the process of uploading content to the network. This content can be downloaded by others in the network to use. Any computer or user that is connected to the P2P system network is called a ‘peer’. All content is divided into small segments so it can be shared effectively. It is shared with other peers. Once a peer makes files accessible for download, he or she becomes a ‘seed’.

For those new to P2P Systems, it can be a little hard to understand how the network functions and what all the terminology means. Thinking of a seed in its conventional sense, you only have to imagine that it is first planted and then grows, developing many branches and chutes. A P2P network is not unlike a tree in a broad sense.

Normally, peers do more uploading than they do downloading. It is important for the peer to participate in seeding so that he or she builds a good reputation and is better accepted by others. The sharing mentality is important in P2P culture.